In the wake of embarrassing and racy pictures published in yesterday's paper Jack Quinn felt it was best for himself, his family and the organization if he steps down as manager of the furtraders. "I showered one time in the lockerroom in thirty years in baseball and this is what happens. I assure you that even though it looks like I posed for the picture I did not. I know this looks bad and even though there have been rumblings around the league this is not the same as when Kordel Stewart popped into a parking lot with another DBS member." In a surpise move Bill Terry, who has previous managerial experience was bypassed for the open managerial job. Homer Summa is going to be the new manager of the furtraders. Fremont management said that right now Bill Terry is not in a good spot in his life and in the future may make a great manager for us or someone else but we are having a hard time justifying paying Summa good money to cook for one player. Summa's first move as manager was naming himself team chef and Pie Traynor bench coach. Summa said that with Traynor losing hsi starting spot he will have plenty of time to help me on the bench. This will also give me some ears and eyes in the clubhouse when I am back making Derringer's favorite shrimp gumbo. Can't burn that gumbo or who knows what kind of funk he may go into.